ISO 22301 | Business Continuity Management Systems

What is ISO 22301?

ISO 22301 is the international standard that addresses Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS). It provides an organization with a clear plan on how to respond to incidents that threaten its operations. Moreover, it helps measure the potential impact these incidents could have on the organization, allowing for better risk management. Furthermore, the standard ensures that organizations can continue operating even during events like natural catastrophes, cyber wars, supply chain disruptions, and other unexpected situations.


Versions of ISO 22301

There are two versions of iso 22301 here are brief intro about them:

ISO 22301:2012

ISO 22301:2012, published in May 2012, sets out the requirements for Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS). This version provided recommendations on how organizations should plan, respond, and recover from disruptive events. Consequently, it emphasized understanding risks and their effects on continuity plans. Its primary purpose was to guarantee the continuity of operations during emergencies. Therefore, it aimed to make organizations more resilient in the face of disruptions.


ISO 22301:2019

ISO 22301 was revised in October 2019, and several changes were made to the text. It was then issued under the new number, ISO 22301:2019, with the main purpose of improving the practical application and significance of the standard. Additionally, it restructured parts of the standard to enhance comprehension and align more effectively with other ISO standards, such as ISO 9001.

Security & resilience THEIR: Business continuity Management

As a customer, you are doing well, doing everything right, lots of customers, busy staff.

A supplier lets you down:

  • No parts arriving
  • Delays to customers
  • Reputation in tatters
  • Staff on short time
  • Some leave, thus loss of key personnel
  • Can’t sell because you can only make part of the product
  • Cashflow ruined


As a supplier:

  • Natural disaster
  • Raw materials don’t arrive
  • Civil unrest in the supplier country
  • Can’t make anything without materials
  • Letting customers down
  • Orders withdrawn
  • Loss of cashflow
  • Trauma


Many of these have occurred in large organizations across the globe in the recent past. Big-name brands that felt the impact, one of which was out of operation for half a year.

Benefits of ISO 22301

What if it were possible to organize your company using the Business Continuity standard; how would it look like? Backup supplier in a different location

  • Move to plan B when plan A fails
  • Perhaps delays, but the job gets don
  • Or, for frequently used supplies
  • Kept at different locations
  • In the event of catastrophe at one location
  • Switch to second location
  • Order replacement stock
  • Ensure the continuity plan is modified from what was learned


Continual improvement, customer satisfaction assured, business booming.

Implementation of the ISO 22301

Implementing ISO 22301 involves several key steps to ensure that an organization’s Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) is effective and robust:

  • Security and Resilience – BCM policy – including objectives and processes to improve and mitigate both perceived and factored risks
  • Establish BCM: Clearly define and communicate the objectives and business impact of the BCM to all relevant parts of the business. This ensures that everyone is aware of their roles and the importance of the BCM
  • Monitor and Review: Continuously monitor and review the BCM policy against established objectives to identify potential improvements. Regular assessments help ensure that the policy remains effective and relevant.
  • Policy Improvement: BCM continues to meet its objectives by making necessary updates to the policy. It should be based on frequent appraisals and feedback during the review processes.

The Certification Process for ISO 22301 will include

  • Risk Planning: Evidence that the Business Continuity Management System (BCM) has been planned to take account of current and perceived risks to the business
  • Emergency Management Team (EMT): Present a detailed company plan that includes an Emergency Management Team (EMT). The EMT should be clearly identified, demonstrating their role in implementing and communicating the BCM to staff.
  • BCM Awareness: Show that the BCM is operational and that staff members are aware of the processes and how they impact their roles. This includes demonstrating that staff are trained and prepared to follow the BCM procedures.

Ensure Your Business Protection Right Now! 

  • Do not let disruptions affect your work. Adopt ISO 22301 for management of your organization and be ready for any eventuality, be it a disaster or a disruption in the supply chain. Contact us today to find out how your firm can benefit from ISO 22301 Certification to improve your Business Continuity Management System. Be strong, be ready – be prepared for the next step in building better business continuity right now!